Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Band and Banned

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noun: band; plural noun: bands
  1. 1.
    a flat, thin strip or loop of material put around something, typically to hold it together or to decorate it.
    "wads of banknotes fastened with gummed paper bands"
    synonyms:belt, sash, girdle, strap, tape, ring, hoop, loop, circlet, circle, cord, tie, string, thong, ribbon, fillet, strip;
    "a band around her waist"
    • a plain ring for the finger, especially a gold wedding ring.
      "a narrow band of gold was her only jewelry"
    • OrnithologyNorth American
      a ring of metal placed around a bird's leg to identify it.
    • a collar with two hanging strips, worn by certain clerics and academics as part of their formal dress.
    • Mechanics
      a belt connecting wheels or pulleys.
  2. 2.
    a stripe or elongated area of a different color, texture, or composition than its surroundings.
    "a long, narrow band of cloud"
    synonyms:stripe, strip, streak, line, bar, swathe; More
    technicalstria, striation
    "the sweater is white with a green band"
  3. 3.
    a range of frequencies or wavelengths in a spectrum (especially of radio frequencies).
    "channels in the UHF band"
  4. 4.
    a thing that restrains, binds, or unites.
verb: band; 3rd person present: bands; past tense: banded; past participle: banded; gerund or present participle: banding
  1. 1.
    surround (an object) with something in the form of a strip or ring, typically for reinforcement or decoration.
    "doors are banded with iron to make them stronger"
    • OrnithologyNorth American
      put a band on (a bird) for identification.
  2. 2.
    mark (something) with a stripe or stripes of a different color.
    "the bird's bill is banded across the middle with black"

past tense: banned; past participle: banned
  1. officially or legally prohibit.
    "he was banned from driving for a year"
    synonyms:prohibit, forbid, veto, proscribe, disallow, outlaw, make illegal, embargo, bar, debar, block, stop, suppress, interdict; More
    enjoin, restrain
    "smoking was banned"
    • officially exclude (someone) from a place.
      "he once was banned from a casino in Reno"
      synonyms:exclude, banish, expel, eject, evict, drive out, force out, oust, remove, get rid of; More
      informalboot out, kick out
      "Gary was banned from the playground"

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