Monday, October 22, 2018
How Did She Learn English?
Like she said, her husband is English and she is Polish. You can hear her say how she learned English. She was not always happy but it worked.
Here is how to get it.
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Herd and Heard
YouTubeのクローズドキャプション機能(cc)をオンにしてください。 ビデオ内の台詞についての字幕があります。
- a number of animals kept, feeding, or traveling together; drove; flock:a herd of cattle; a herd of sheep; a herd of zebras.
- Sometimes Disparaging. a large group of people:The star was mobbed by a herd of autograph seekers.
- any large quantity:
- to be capable of perceiving sound by the ear; have the faculty of perceiving sound vibrations.
- to receive information by the ear or otherwise:to hear from a friend.
- to listen with favor, assent, or compliance (often followed by of):I will not hear of your going.
- (of a computer) to be capable of perceiving by speech recognition.
- (used as an interjection in the phrase Hear! Hear! to express approval, as of a speech).
Tears and Tiers and Tears
YouTubeのクローズドキャプション機能(cc)をオンにしてください。 ビデオ内の台詞についての字幕があります。
- one of a series of rows or ranks rising one behind or above another, as of seats in an amphitheater,boxes in a theater, guns in a man-of-war, or oars in an ancient galley.
- one of a number of galleries, as in a theater.
- a layer; level; stratum:The wedding cake had six tiers. All three tiers of the firm's management now report to one director.
- a drop of the saline, watery fluid continually secreted by the lacrimal glands between the surface of theeye and the eyelid, serving to moisten and lubricate these parts and keep them clear of foreign particles.
- this fluid appearing in or flowing from the eye as the result of emotion, especially grief:to shed tears.
- something resembling or suggesting a tear, as a drop of a liquid or a tearlike mass of a solid substance,especially having a spherical or globular shape at one end and tapering to a point at the other:teardrop earrings.
- to pull apart or in pieces by force, especially so as to leave ragged or irregular edges.
- to pull or snatch violently; wrench away with force:to tear wrappings from a package; to tear a book from someone's hands.
- to distress greatly:anguish that tears the heart.
- to divide or disrupt:a country torn by civil war.
- to wound or injure by or as if by rending; lacerate.
- to produce or effect by rending:to tear a hole in one's coat.
- to remove by force or effort:to be unable to tear oneself from a place.
Rear and Rare
YouTubeのクローズドキャプション機能(cc)をオンにしてください。 ビデオ内の台詞についての字幕があります。
noun: rear
- 1.the back part of something, especially a building or vehicle.
"the kitchen door at the rear of the house"
synonyms: back, back part, hind part, back end;
stern"the rear of the building"antonyms: front - the space or position at the back of something or someone.
"the field at the rear of the church"
synonyms: back, back part, hind part, back end; More
antonyms: front - the hindmost part of an army, fleet, or line of people.
"two blue policemen at the rear fell out of the formation"
synonyms: end, tail, rear end, back end, tail, tag end
"we were standing near the rear of the line"antonyms: front - informala person's buttocks.plural noun: rears; noun: rear end; plural noun: rear ends
adjective: rear
- the back.
"the car's rear window"
synonyms: back, end, rearmost;
adjective: rare; comparative adjective: rarer; superlative adjective: rarest
- (of an event, situation, or condition) not occurring very often.
"a rare genetic disorder"
synonyms: infrequent, scarce, sparse, few and far between, thin on the ground, like gold dust, as scarce as hen's teeth; More
antonyms: common, frequent - (of a thing) not found in large numbers and consequently of interest or value.
"the jellyfish tree, one of the rarest plants on earth"
synonyms: unusual, recherché, uncommon, unfamiliar, atypical, singular
"rare stamps"antonyms: ordinary, commonplace - unusually good or remarkable.
"he plays with rare strength and sensitivity"
synonyms: exceptional, outstanding, unparalleled, peerless, matchless, unique, unrivaled, inimitable, beyond compare, without equal, second to none, unsurpassed; More
antonyms: common, everyday
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Laughter Means Understanding
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YouTubeのクローズドキャプション機能(cc)をオンにしてください。 ビデオ内の台詞についての字幕があります。 A question I am often asked and the following are the same answers I tell...