Thursday, November 23, 2017

For, Fore and Four

YouTubeのクローズドキャプション機能(cc)をオンにしてください。 ビデオ内の台詞についての字幕があります。


  1. :: preposition
    Used to indicate the object, aim, or purpose of an action or activity: trained for the ministry; put the house up for sale; plans to run for senator.
  2. :: preposition
    Used to indicate a destination: headed off for town.
  3. :: preposition
    Used to indicate the object of a desire, intention, or perception: had a nose for news; eager for success.
  4. :: preposition
    Used to indicate the recipient or beneficiary of an action: prepared lunch for us.

  1. :: noun
    The front part.
  2. :: noun
    Something that is located at or toward the front.
  3. :: adjective
    Located at or toward the front; forward.
  4. :: adjective
    Earlier in order of occurrence; former.


  1. :: noun
    The cardinal number equal to 3 + 1.
  2. :: noun
    The fourth in a set or sequence.
  3. :: noun
    Something having four parts, units, or members, such as a musical quartet or a four-cylinder engine.
  4. :: idiom
    all fours All four limbs of an animal or person: a baby crawling on all fours.

Special thanks to director and camera man Teacher Joel

Laughter Means Understanding

  I was teaching last week and for the first time in months I felt the urge to share the original version of the English blooper post.  You ...