Thursday, July 27, 2017

Diner, Dine and Dinner

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verb: dine; 3rd person present: dines; past tense: dined; past participle: dined; gerund or present participle: dining
eat dinner.

"we dined at a restaurant"

synonyms:have dinner, have supper, eat; More
datedsup, break bread

"we dined at a restaurant"
  • eat dinner in a restaurant or the home of friends.
  • eat (something) for dinner.
    synonyms:eat, feed on, feast on, banquet on, partake of;

noun: dinner; plural noun: dinners
the main meal of the day, taken either around midday or in the evening.
synonyms:evening meal, supper, main meal; More
lunch, midday meal;
feast, banquet, dinner party;

"dinner will be served on the terrace"
a formal evening meal, typically one in honor of a person or event.
synonyms:evening meal, supper, main meal;

noun: diner; plural noun: diners
  1. 1.
    a person who is eating, typically a customer in a restaurant.
  2. 2.
    a dining car on a train.
    • North American
      a small roadside restaurant with a long counter and booths, originally one designed to resemble a dining car on a train.
      Diner:  the movie 

Width and With

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Width (noun)  is defined as the quality of being wide, or the measurement of distance from side to side. An example of width is a 36" measurement for a table's wideness.

preposition: with
  1. 1.
    accompanied by (another person or thing).

    "a nice steak with a bottle of red wine"
    synonyms:accompanied by, escorted by, in the company of
    • in the same direction as.

      "marine mammals generally swim with the current"
    • along with (with reference to time).

      "wisdom comes with age"
    • in proportion to.

      "the form of the light curve changes with period in a systematic way"
  2. 2.
    possessing (something) as a feature or accompaniment.

    "a flower-sprigged blouse with a white collar"
    • marked by or wearing.

      "a tall dark man with a scar on one cheek"
  3. 3.
    indicating the instrument used to perform an action.

    "cut it with a knife"
    • indicating the material used for some purpose.

      "fill the bowl with water"
  4. 4.
    in opposition to.

    "we started fighting with each other"
  5. 5.
    indicating the manner or attitude of the person doing something.

    "with great reluctance"
  6. 6.
    indicating responsibility.

    "leave it with me"
  7. 7.
    in relation to.

    "my father will be angry with me"
  8. 8.
    employed by.

    "she's with IBM now"
    • as a member or employee of.

      "he plays with the Cincinnati Cyclones"
    • using the services of.

      "I bank with the TSB"
  9. 9.
    affected by (a particular fact or condition).

    "with no hope"
    • indicating the cause of an action or condition.

      "trembling with fear"
  10. 10.
    indicating separation or removal from something.

    "to part with one's dearest possessions"

Camera work done by Teacher Joel . Location: Fatburger. 

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Wind, Wind and Wind

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Wind ( noun)-   moving air.

The wind was strong yesterday.

Wind ( verb) -  to roll or coil (thread, string, etc.) into a ball, on a spool, or the like(often followed by up).

I forgot to wind my watch

Wind  ( verb) to become ultimately:

Keep up your antics and you might wind up in jail

Fair , Fair and Fare

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 free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice:
a fair decision; a fair judge.

legitimately sought, pursued, done, given, etc.; proper under the rules:
a fair fight.
moderately large; ample:
a fair income.
neither excellent nor poor; moderately or tolerably good:
fair health.
marked by favoring conditions; likely; promising:
in a fair way to succeed.

  1. (of the sky) bright; sunny; cloudless to half-cloudy.
  2. (of the weather) fine; with no prospect of rain, snow, or hail; not stormy.
Nautical. (of a wind or tide) tending to aid the progress of a vessel.
unobstructed; not blocked up:
The way was fair for our advance.
without irregularity or unevenness:
a fair surface.
free from blemish, imperfection, or anything that impairs the appearance, quality, or character:
Her fair reputation was ruined by gossip.


the price of conveyance or passage in a bus, train, airplane, or other vehicle.
a person or persons who pay to be conveyed in a vehicle; paying passenger.
a person who hires a public vehicle and its driver.
food; diet:
hearty fare.
something offered to the public, for entertainment, enjoyment, consumption, etc.:
literary fare.

Three Meanings of Batter

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1. hit hard

2. what you coat  tempura, pancakes  and onion rings with.

3. in baseball, the one at the plate who hits the pitch with the bat. There is only one at a time.

Waist or Waste?

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Waste or waist?

Waste = garbage, useless, discard

Waist= torso, where your belt goes. Where cowboys hang their six shooters. 

Monday, July 10, 2017

Bare and Bear

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Bare means naked, but to bear is to carry something. A bear is also a brown furry animal, but most people keep that one straight.

Some people insist on the right to bear arms. Others want to arm bears. Still others too portly to bare arms.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Some Humor With Your English Lesson

This might take 30 seconds to sink it but you will learn an important distinction.

Do Due Dew

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Do is a verb. Meaning you are performing an action.

I don't like to do the dishes.

Due. When something has to be done or returned.

My library books are due on Wednesday. 

Dew- small drops of water that form on the ground and other surfaces outside  esp. during the night

But now I found myself enjoying it: the full moon, the sound of crickets,the long grass already wet from the evening dew.

Laughter Means Understanding

  I was teaching last week and for the first time in months I felt the urge to share the original version of the English blooper post.  You ...